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I'm a spanish fashion designer. I'm a unicorn and all you want to be. I have a lot of imagination , so I like to create fashion collections or additions to various inspirations. 


I love art in general, I think it's a way to express your style and feelings. It is unlimited and is a very attractive way to express yourself.


Since childhood I like to sing , dance, draw and take pictures . I grew up in a house with a sewing machine, a lot of fabrics and yarns. With it we created everything we saw on the internet or wanted ... costumes, dresses, bags .


Growing up in this environment , how he would not want to study this? Why not continue this legacy? And then here I am , creating fashionable designs and working hard every day. That really is what I like . The most important thing in life is to do what you want, what you like . I hope to continue this dream.

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